Hi, I'm Alastair, and this is my new website. Use the navigation buttons on the left to explore the information I have about my research on quantum computation, my teaching, and about the software tools that I've written to facilitate my research. You may find them useful! You can also read about by thoughts on Open Science, and how science needs to change in the internet age.
I am always happy to receive applications from strong PhD candidates or potential post-docs. Please contact me for further information.
I have recently produced an outreach video that introduces the concepts of Quantum Key Distribution. Watch it now!

By day, I am a theoretical quantum physicist/mathematician, researching the fascinating topic of quantum computers, which sits at the cross roads of many different topics in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. My degree was in physics at Keble College, University of Oxford, and my PhD was under the supervision of Prof. Artur Ekert at the University of Cambridge. I am now a lecturer at Royal Holloway, part of the University of London. See my academic family tree here!

One enjoyable aspect of research is the travel to conferences, workshops, and other research groups. Since one can't work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, I like to take the opportunity to explore the adrenaline fuelled activities of a local area, whether that be white water rafting with a bunch of like-minded physicists in Spain, wakeboarding in Singapore or jumping out of aeroplanes in New Zealand.
Aside from that, I enjoy photography, baking (I'm well known for the quality, or at least the chocolatiness, of my chocolate cakes) and computer programming. In the past, I've designed and managed a number of websites, although this is the only site that I currently run.