Lecture notes (old versions)
- MT362/462/5462 Cipher Systems, lectured Winter 2019 RHUL.
- Outline notes
- Problem sheets
- Slides
- Extra material for MT5462 and Slides
- Mathematica notebooks (also used in previous years)
- MT362/462/5462 Cipher Systems, lectured Winter 2018 RHUL.
- MT362/462/5462 Cipher Systems, lectured Winter 2017 RHUL.
- MT454 / MT5454 Combinatorics, lectured Winter 2014 RHUL.
- MT181 Number Systems, lectured Winter 2013 RHUL.
- MT454 / MT5454 Combinatorics, lectured Winter 2013 RHUL.
- MT181 Number Systems, lectured Winter 2012 RHUL.
- MT454 / MT5454 Combinatorics, lectured Winter 2012 RHUL.
- MT361 / MT461 / MT5461 Error Correcting Codes, lectured Spring 2012 RHUL.
- Outline notes (4.1 MB)
- Problem sheets (2.0 MB) and some answers (5.5 MB)
- Slides (11.3 MB)
- Extra material for MT461 / MT5461 (1.8 MB) and Slides (180 kB)
- MT454 / MT5454 Combinatorics, lectured Winter 2011 RHUL.
- Outline notes (3.5 MB)
- Prerequisites from discrete probability (180 kB)
- Problem sheets (2.3 MB) and some answers (7.1 MB)
- Slides (7.1 MB)
- MT454 / MT5454 Combinatorics, lectured Winter 2010 RHUL.
- Outline notes (3.5 MB)
- Prerequisites from discrete probability (90kb)
- Problem sheets (1.7 MB) and some answers (4.4 MB)