Evidence based mathematics teaching
This meeting was held in March 2015. Follow the link for the slides and other information.
Ideas for projects
I am willing to supervise projects in almost any area of algebra or combinatorics.
Lecture notes
- MT362/462/5462 Cipher Systems, lectured Winter 2020 RHUL. The course was delivered
face-to-face and online because of Covid-19. Videos covering all the course were posted to Moodle. There was also weekly Groupwork via ExplainEverything that I won't attempt to archive here.
- Outline notes
- Problem sheets
- Slides
- Extra material for MT5462 and Slides
- Mathematica notebooks (also used in previous years)
- Revision session notes
- MT341/441/5441 Channels, lectured Winter 2019 RHUL (for the first and possibly last time).
- MT182 Matrix Algebra, lectured Spring 2016 RHUL (for the first and possibly last time).
- Symmetric functions, lectured Winter 2015 RHUL.
- MT454 Combinatorics, lectured Winter 2015 RHUL. This is my final version
of the course.
- Outline notes
- Preliminary problem sheet and some answers
- Problem sheets and some answers
- Slides
- MSc Miniproject
- MT181 Number Systems, lectured Winter 2014 RHUL. This is my final version of the course.
- MT361 / MT461 / MT5461 Error Correcting Codes, lectured Spring 2013 RHUL. This is my final version of the course.
- Notes and problem sheets for a postgraduate course on the representation theory of the symmetric group, Winter 2011 RHUL. (Revised June 2014.)
- Notes and problem sheets for 3rd year Combinatorics, lectured Spring 2007 Swansea.
- Notes and problems sheets for Section C Lie Algebras, lectured Hilary 2006 Oxford. If you find the notes useful, you might also like this book.
Notes and problem sheets for older versions of these courses.
Notes on undergraduate mathematics
Vacation work set for Oxford undergraduates
- First year pure mathematics vacation work for Trinity 2006
- First year analysis vacation work for Hilary 2006 and some answers
- First year analysis vacation work for Michaelmas 2005 and some answers
- Groups and fields vacation questions
- Further exercises for ‘Groups in Action’
- Second year analysis vacation work for Michaelmas 2005
- Easter 2004 first year algebra vacation work and some answers